Dr. Prabha Panth

About the Artist

I have recently retired as a Professor of Economics, from Osmania University, Hyderabad, and now have settled in Bangalore. I have always been drawing and painting since childhood, but learnt the finer points of painting in oils, acrylics, and other media when I attended a 3 month course at SIRI art academy, Hyderabad. There the teachers encouraged me to take part in local and national art competitions. I was awarded prizes at the national and local competitions, as well as a couple of international competitions.

I have displayed my artworks in local, national, and international art shows, and have sold my paintings in India, UK, and USA.

I like to paint mostly in acrylics and sand, a technique that I learnt at SIRI. I do paint other subjects such as landscapes, floral, animals/birds, portraits, still life etc. using acrylics, oils, water colour, pastels, pencils, etc.

My contact number: 9849377390
Email: ppanth92@gmail.com

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