About the Artist
I have always been inclined towards art, but never found the time or motivation to keep at it consistently. My art used to be more of oils and acrylics.Watercolors have always been my favourite, however every time I tried, the results were not satisfactory and I would give up. In the recent few years I moved from the engineering field to yoga, fitness and meditation. Over the years I have built a better version of myself. With an improved fitness, focus and concentration, I tried watercolours again. This time when my watercolour paintings were not upto my expectations, I simply tried again. After many attempts my brush started to move freely and the colours flowed naturally on the paper.
Now after many months of consistent effort, painting has become almost meditative for me. Soon, I am hoping to be able to express my understanding of yoga and meditation through watercolours and share each step of my journey with you.
In the field of engineering, I have a Master’s degree from UMass Lowell, USA and have worked for Mass State government and Fidelity investments.
In the field of yoga, I have articles published in StayFit Magazine and in Newspapers – https://www.thehindu.com/sci-tech/health/combining-yoga-with-weight-training/article27046544.ece
My fitness videos have been telecasted on TV.
contact me on : 9611833554 or sharada.arun@gmail.com