Sacrifice and Hope



Tripthy Rajesh

Medium : Acrylic on Canvas
Size : 18 by 24 inches
Contact No : 91 91102 15069
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The artwork Titled” Sacrifice and hope” was painted to bring awareness regarding the tribal practices prevalent in India to address and promote a rational approach to fight against Social intolerance. The work illustrates two tribal women standing in a room with a burning lamp where one women is holding a Rooster (signifying the tribal practice of innocent animal & bird killings and the brutality that the tribal women undergo due to exploitation ) other women is holding a flower in her hand and the brightness from the lamp signify that they can hope for a brighter future and a better life to blossom like the beautiful flower if they are educated. With education they can help eliminate poverty, hunger, disease, and fight against ignorance and superstitions in their community.

This work was selected for the 15th All India People Science Congress held at Bengaluru to bring awareness towards the superstitions and blind faith followed in tribal communities of North East India.

The exhibition was inaugurated on 22nd May 2015 by former Vice President of India Shri Hamid Ansari and was well appreciated by the members and participants.


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